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Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas: Selected Readings, by Janet Catherine Berlo, Lee Anne Wilson
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By focusing on the original scholarly contributions, rather than secondary description, this reader in tribal arts exposes the reader to the best original scholarship of 29 noted scholars in anthropology and art history. Each scholarly essay is well-illustrated, often with original field photographs as well as museum objects. For artists, art historians, sociologists, and all those interested in the arts of the fourth world.
- Sales Rank: #798156 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Pearson
- Published on: 1992-07-26
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.84" h x 1.00" w x 5.89" l, 1.19 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 392 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
From the Publisher
This collection of 24 recent, in-depth articles by noted international, ethnographic art historians and anthropologists is divided into six topical sections--Aesthetic Systems, The Artist as Individual, Art and Social Structure, Passages, Shelter as Symbol, and Continuity and Change in Fourth World Arts-- each with its own introductory essay. The authors careful editing provides a well-balanced selection of artistic traditions from sub-Saharan Africa, the South Pacific, and the Native New World that covers a full spectrum of media from historical tradition to contemporary performance arts.
From the Back Cover
By focusing on the original scholarly contributions, rather than secondary description, this reader in tribal arts exposes the reader to the best original scholarship of 29 noted scholars in anthropology and art history. Each scholarly essay is well-illustrated, often with original field photographs as well as museum objects. For artists, art historians, sociologists, and all those interested in the arts of the fourth world.
Most helpful customer reviews
2 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
This is not a new textbook it is a photocopy
By Eric Schultz
This is a photocopy reprint of a very good text book however after speaking with Prentice hall publishing in regard to the horrible quality of the photographs in the text, they are completely illegible. I learned that this book is no longer in print and that this is a photocopy reprint. it is worth $30.00 at best not full price. do your self a favor and look for a better price. class has already started I'm stuck with mine don't get stuck with yours.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Sue
Good condition and all that.
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